Biographical Sketches that First Appeared in the Classic Columns of HaTamim
One of the most treasured words in the lexicon of Chassidus is farbrengen. At a farbrengen, chassidim share images of the past, and this helps them shape the images of the future. They tell of the conduct of the chassidim of the preceding generations, and this inspires Chassidic conduct in the future.
Links in the Chassidic Legacy is a farbrengen on paper. Here we meet Rashbatz and Rashdam, luminaries in the comprehension of Chassidic thought. We share the earnest, artless commitment of Yitzchak the Tailor, and the selfless sacrifice of Reb Chaim Yehoshua. Translated from the classic columns of HaTamim, this treasury of biographical sketches brings us in contact with our roots and motivates us to emulate the virtues of these vintage chassidim in our contemporary settings.