Imagine for a moment that you could hear a private conversation in which the Rebbe had asked the Previous Rebbe a weighty question, and the Previous Rebbe gave a lengthy response, seasoned with stories and manifold historical references.
This — except for the fact that it is on paper — is the format of Branches of the Chassidic Menorah. The Rebbe had asked the Previous Rebbe to explain to him the uniqueness of the Chabad approach to Divine service. What exactly is it that distinguishes Lubavitcher chassidim from chassidim of other trends?
And, in his own inimitable manner, the Previous Rebbe weaves a tapestry describing how Chabad Chassidus was initiated and defining the spiritual goals that the Alter Rebbe set for his chassidim.
This colorful text first appeared in the classic columns of HaTamim. With the help of extensive notes and appendices, the English reader is now given the opportunity to eavesdrop on this conversation between the Rebbeim and take in the insights it provides.